Bus drivers need many skills apart from their exceptional driving ability. They must be prepared for all situations. They have to be able to stay calm, recognize problems and act on them, and contend with motorists who disobey the rules of the road regarding school bus safety.
The school bus driver is a public relations agent. In many cases they are the first contact the child may have with school division personnel. They are required to talk with students, parents, educators and administrators.
The school bus driver is an instructor. Many of the pupils now riding school buses will be driving vehicles on the highway within a few years. They naturally look to their school bus driver as a professional driver to teach them good driving habits by his/her daily example.
The school bus driver is a disciplinarian. On the school bus, discipline problems can quickly become safety issues. By establishing and enforcing consistent rules with a professional attitude, the driver can instill in the pupils, a respect for authority and an appreciation of good citizenship.
The school bus driver must have excellent personal habits, pride in their personal appearance and pride in the cleanliness and mechanical condition of the bus they drive. They must be a responsible and courteous driver.
Most important, school bus drivers must be safety conscious 24 hours a day. What you do off the job may affect your performance on the job. You must know the rules of the road and the laws that regulate the operation of school buses.